Thursday, December 16, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

फ्रॉम इंडिया फॉर इंडिया इन इंडिया एंड आउट साइड इंडिया

सोसाइटी स्किल देवेलोप्मेंट फॉर पोवेर्टी ऌलेविअतिओन
इंडिया मैं जॉब कानी है या इंडिया वालों ने जॉब करनी है एक हे वेबसाइट प् पल मोजूद है
ये बुट्तों प्रेस करैं 

Friday, December 10, 2010

No to Terrorism Yes to Skill

If we want to have refusal to terrorism than we need to work on Skill Development. Comment please.

Mother and Daughter

Poverty means no financial options due to lawlessness and justice denied,
Terrorism causes lawlessness!
Lawlessness decrease the financial options!

Justice denied when there may no democracy!
No democracy arises if people are ignorant,
People would be ignorant if people are poor.
Poverty and Terrorism is my topic but who is Mother and who is Daughter and what do you mean by terror free world. Please Comment...

What if no Poverty?

Either there may be no poverty but I have no idea how terrorism could be appear?

Poverty is name of denied Justice and Lawlessness?

Society Skill Deelopment for Poverty Alleviation

Poverty related to Terrorism?
Terrorism is son of Poverty?
Does Sucide Bomber ignore option around him?